March 29, 2018. Note some images may be disturbing.
“Sweet Jesus” Ice Cream may only have melting nuts and sprinkles left after the heat of backlash, not just from Christians, but from the customers whose intelligence they’ve just insulted with some serious B.S.
Below are some images from “Sweet Jesus” Ice Cream’s marketing campaign. I’ve added some background information about these symbols so you can see them side by side and judge for yourself if you think Sweet Jesus Ice Cream was referring to Jesus and the Christian religion in its ads. “Sweet Jesus” Ice Cream’s response to the backlash, and they were not saying this tongue in frozen cheek but really seriously, was that they were not intending to offer commentary on Christianity.
As stated to CTV News and Global National Sweet Jesus Ice Cream said:

“Our aim is not to offer commentary on anyone’s religion or belief systems…Our organization is made up of amazing people that represent a wide range of cultural and religious beliefs.”
“We are conscious of the fact that, to some, our name can be off-putting,” Richmond, Sweet Jesus’ co-founder, added in a statement to CTV News. “That fact is something we struggle with because we sincerely do not wish to give offense or show disrespect in any way toward anyone’s personal beliefs. Neither is it our intention to be exploitative or flagrantly provocative.”
“The best brands come from an honest place,” he explained. “Sweet Jesus is an honest reflection of our experiences and that of our customers and how they react when they try our product. In our experience, the majority of people understand that we’re not trying to make a statement about religion.”
Worse, the response from CTV and Global National was to figuratively sit straight faced through the bold-faced B.S. logic of the Sweet Jesus Ice Cream’s statement. Not even a literary smirk, like a, “com’n, you’re not serious right?” to let us know they weren’t buying it. Nothing.
One has to think a news reporter would say something like: so, you say ‘our aim is not to offer commentary on anyone’s religion or belief systems’ , and that ‘the best brands come from an honest place’, but that is clearly the inverse of what you are doing which is precisely to offer commentary on Christian beliefs by using Christian religious symbols and quotations from the Bible etc. Do you think your company will survive with this kind of doublespeak? You just insulted my intelligence and that of your customers. Do you think this will win you customers? Sadly, these icons of Canadian national news asked: nothing, nada.
Who knows what is going on in the hearts and minds of Sweet Jesus Ice Cream. Did they think it was a clever Christian “bait and switch” marketing campaign? Was it a wink, wink, nudge, nudge, to some Christian baiters and haters out there? The old “there’s no such thing as bad media game”, and we could care less if it’s at the expense of Christians.
Interestingly, the concensus of objective reporters seems to be that the ice cream itself is actually, well, bad tasting.The National Post gave an unbiased reported, and commented that it’s actually bad tasting ice cream anyway. The Globe and Mail also reported the ice cream was bad tasting, and the “El Chappo” drug lord cone at Cinco de Mayo did not go over well with that reporter either.
That’s what you get for mixing b.s into ice cream: it’ll stink no matter what toppings you use to try and cover it up. As the petition statement says you can degrade and insult us, but we still care about your souls “Sweet Jesus” Ice Cream, and we are praying for you. God knows you need our prayers.
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