Further to the information below, at the bottom of this link ‘s page is updated Sharia Law Halal product information so that you can “Speak with Your Wallet” at the grocery store. I have asked the major grocery stores for information about Halal products in their stores which will be shared as it becomes available.
Update Oct 1, 2018: The “Islamic Society of North American” called “ISNA” is a worldwide authority over Islamic Sharia Law Halal meat production. Thanks to a Global News reporter named Stewart Bell, we learned it had its charitable status revoked by Revenue Canada because it was issuing receipts for an organization associated with funding Islamic terrorism – an organization the US has named a terrorist organization.
Click here for a current list of Canadian Halal meat processing plants that are certified by the “ISNA”. If you don’t want to support Islamic Sharia Law, Halal slaughtered meat, check with your grocery store and ask if the meat in its counter is Halal because it may not be labelled Halal. This list of Halal plants may be helpful to you in talking to your grocery store. Note that “Cargill Canada” is a meat processing plant supplier that produces about 30% of Canadian beef that is 100% Halal. Also, check for and request non-Halal at public institutions, like U of T and UBC.
Many countries have banned the Sharia Law Halal slaughter method of animals because of its is inhumane treatment of animals. Also, for people of different faiths, or no faith, they may not want an Islamic prayer said over their food products, especially if they are not clearly advised that this may be the case. Below this video is an earlier video that is more about the process of Halal slaughter. Note that it does include descriptions of Halal slaughter that may be upsetting.

The recent and gruesome video of a cow being slaughtered in Milton, On which was circulated around the Islamic celebration of Eid, raised awareness of Halal slaughter practices in Canada. I wrote about it here and here and here. It is being investigated by the SPCA and the Ministry of Agriculture.
Update: Sept 18, 2018: Cargill Inc., the Sharia Law, Halal Meat Processing Company which also operates in Canada
Paid 1.5 Million to Muslim Workers Who Walked Off the Job Over an Islamic Prayer Dispute.
Click here for an article by Reuters and here for an organization that tracks how Sharia Law is creeping into North America.
Here is further information about Cargill Inc. in Canada.
“As the largest privately held company in the United States, Minneapolis-based Cargill Inc. is one of the world’s top producers and distributors of agricultural products such as sugar, refined oil, cotton, chocolate and salt. The company was founded in 1865 by William Cargill and has remained in the family ever since.” Investopedia.com

This is Cargill’s logo in Canada, and what Cargill says about the breadth of their Sharia Law, Halal meat processing:
Cargill’s Guelph, Ontario facility] is 100% Halal and produces about 1/2 of Cargill’s beef processing in Canada. Combined, these facilities make up 55% of the beef processing market in Canada.”
This article from the U.K. is an example of the determination of Sharia Law Islamists to indoctrinate Islam into the meat processing industry regardless of: animal welfare experts protesting the inhumane treatment of the animals; and, the religious beliefs of Non-Muslims.

PM Trudeau visits the Islamic Society of North America “ISNA“, a major Halal Meat Inspector in Canada. ISNA in the US is an “Unindicted Co-Conspirator” in a terror funding trial. The Canadian ISNA (see update above) recently had their wrist slapped by Revenue Canada for indirectly funding terrorism. PM Trudeau is also, believe it or not, a spokesperson for Paramount which is a Sharia Law meat supplier, restaurant chain based in Canada.

A list of Canadian public institutions that are serving the 97% of non-Muslim Canadians and/or those who oppose this inhumane treatment of animals will follow. Here is what is known to date:
- Universities: The University of Toronto and The University of British Columbia Food Services are two universities (notably, two academically exceptional universities) that serve Halal chicken and/or burgers exclusively.
- Grocery stores: You have to love Costco for many reasons, but reports online indicate that it has a broad selection of Halal meat that isn’t clearly enough labelled as Halal, and people end up buying it without realizing it’s Halal.
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