Note: Since the below article was written, as of April 14, 2020 there are reports the USA is investigating whether the coronavirus was first transmitted in a bat to human transmission in The Wuhan Virology Lab (read more here) instead of the Wuhan wet market. It doesn’t change the well documented virus risks of the wet markets either way.
The Wuhan coronavirus was the result of a transmission from pitilessly tortured animals to their human consumers in the bloody cess pool of a “wet market” in Wuhan. Maybe it’s the Biblical archetype of Genesis ingrained in humans that we know in our souls the depravity of pitilessly torturing animals that has left everyone literally and figuratively sickened. What is clear is that what happened in the wet markets cannot go without world wide condemnation, not just for the virus it unleashed on humans, but also for the evil inflicted on the animals of the wet markets.
Modern science has proven what Saint Francis knew: that pitiless treatment of animals, much less torturous treatment, is an early marker of psychopathy and the inclination of murderous intent towards fellow humans.
It’s well established that the practice of wet markets includes caging and torturing not just farm and wild animals, but domesticated pets including cats and dogs. Last week China announced a ban on eating companion animals, specifically dogs, Eating cats was not banned except in one city. Why is this happening in China and in other Asian countries?
China says that the wet markets exist largely because of a distrust for refrigerated meat. However, it makes no rational sense that Chinese people in the 21st century don’t trust refrigeration which is reportedly available and working right next to the Wuhan wet market. There is more to it.
The other excuse from China is that it is cultural. The Chinese people seem to have been deluded into thinking that they exercise “flexible” food options compared to the West who are only restrained from eating companion animals because of religious dietary restrictions. This is the width of the chasm between the West and China, and it is at our peril to overlook it. This is not racism. This is a matter of the human heart. The source of the coronavirus, the animals of the Chinese wet markets, caged and smashed together in an ironic inverted twist of social distancing, transmitted a very loud virus to humans in the wet markets.
The new theory published in the Washington Post gaining traction is that the Covid-19 coronavirus was caused by an accident in the nearby Wuhan biology lab that tests- bats and the coronavirus – seems very plausible since the Wuhan Lab is a mere 4 km away from the Wuhan wet markets. However, this Scientific American article based on the research of China’s top scientist on coronavirus suggests it was more likely the wet market.
The article also gives insight into the cavalier attitude towards pandemics by the Chinese offering this apparent explanation or insight why the wet markets were not totally done away with in China following SARS:
On February 24 the nation announced a permanent ban on wildlife consumption and trade except for research or medicinal or display purposes—which will stamp out an industry worth $76 billion and put approximately 14 million people out of jobs, according to a 2017 report commissioned by the Chinese Academy of Engineering.
It seems it is more about following the money trail than the coronavirus trail.
April 17, 2020 Further Update
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