It seemed like Canada was just staggering to its feet from being pummeled with the opioid epidemic courtesy of Chinese organized crime, when we were hit again from China with Covid-19.
The total number of deaths from the Opioid epidemic in Canada:
Opiod related deaths of mostly white young men in Canada between the ages of 19-49 is 14,700 as of Sept 2019.
The opioid crisis has been largely ignored and Canadian politicians never really washed their hands of China’s drug money. Thanks to Global News for continuing to report on this issue. At least one RCMP investigator raised the alarm, but the investigations into the Chinese opioid money laundering were mysteriously shut down (although PM Trudeau managed enough time to legalize cannabis).
Research also shows that the vast majority of the victims of the opioid epidemic are white males between 20-49, being 50% more likely to die from an opiod related death, although is it more recently being reported that, that number is not as disproportionately white as it once was. Still, mainstream media, always sensitive to issues of racial disparity, has rarely reported on that fact.
A British Columbia Coroner’s report this week even got the attention of CBC. Global News:
In May, the province recorded 170 suspected illicit drug toxicity deaths — the highest monthly total ever recorded in B.C.
It equates to about 5.5 deaths a day [in B.C. alone]. It’s a 93-per-cent spike over the number of deaths in May 2019, and a 44-per-cent increase over April 2020.
In comparison, 53 people died from COVID-19 in the same month [in British Columbia]

The total number of deaths from the Covid-19 epidemic in Canada:
Approximately 70-80% of Covid deaths were the elderly, of which about 75% are white, and in Quebec in Long Term Care Homes. Total deaths in Canada: 8, 213 as of June 15, 2020.

The Canadian and provincial governments’ neglect of our elderly, the vast majority of whom are white, only came to light because the Canadian military was sent in to assist when home care workers went off the job either because they had symptoms or feared getting Covid. The military issued a report describing horrific conditions in the Long Term care homes of people starving, and living in bug infested filth.
The military sees the worst of conditions in third world countries at war so its findings are all the more sobering as to what is happening in Canada. To our great shame, while Trudeau was, and continues to, send money overseas as, CTV News reported:
Canada had double the number of deaths in Long Term Care Homes, where the vast majority are white elderly, than other developed countries.
The below data is provided to show that the opiod crisis is just as deadly as the Covid crisis. It’s based on data that Stats Canada makes available online.
Also, my comparison of the epidemics excludes Quebec because Quebec was an outlier in the number of deaths for Covid according to Stats Canada. making up a staggering 63% of all Covid deaths in Canada, mostly in their Long Term Care homes for which the Quebec government has launched an investigation. At the same time, Quebec deaths from opioids, again based on Canadian government data, made up only 8.5% of all deaths in Canada.
The monthly average for the covid epidemic (excluding Quebec): 491, but declining. The monthly average for the opioid epidemic (excluding Quebec): 407, and drastically increasing by between 44%-92% in B.C.
Data as of June end, 2020 as reported by Global News shows similar results:
The B.C. Coroners Service reported 175 suspected overdose fatalities in June, the province’s highest-ever monthly death toll. COVID-19 is linked to 189 deaths in total in the province.
Tragically, the rapid increase in opioid deaths is largely attributed to Covid lock downs. Every day it is becoming clearer that the rapid increase in opioid deaths is the result of incompetent medical advice from the WHO combined with the horrifying neglect of the Canadian, Ontario and Quebec governments for elderly, mostly white, Canadians in Long Term Care.
Healthy young people susceptible to the opioid crisis were locked down per the WHO’s instructions to Dr. Tam, while the elderly susceptible to covid were locked in, in covid conducive Long Term Care/Nursing Homes.

They are hard to find, but one positive outcome of the COVID epidemic is the move by the USA to return pharmaceutical manufacturing to its shores. This will remove dependence on China for pharmaceuticals and by extension rid us of the lethal synthetic fentanyl coming from China.
The “us” assumes that we maintain our historically close relationship with the free and democratic USA, and stop PM Trudeau in his vanity pursuit of a top job at the globalist, communist plagued UN filled with countries run by human rights violators and dictators.
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