Trudeau and Singh are using the tax dollars of hard working Canadians to:

Shut Down Parliament
- shut down our Canadian parliament eliminating or significantly restricting the function of the Conservatives as the official opposition. It is effectively a dictatorship which allows for committees to meet and discuss. There are no opposition motions allowed. The Canadian parliament has only sat 38 days in almost 12 months. Canadians are being denied the right to see our tax dollars at work in Parliament.

Extend CERB to Pay Many Workers to Stay Home Despite It Now Being Safe & Employers Complaining They Can’t Get Workers to Return
- extend CERB while democratic economies are re-opening and Canadians employers are pleading for workers to come back to work, Trudeau and Singh are paying many people to stay home as reported by employers who have spoken to their employees.

Bringing in Temporary Foreign Workers
- All this while Trudeau has not announced he is discontinuing Canada’s massive immigration goals and is allowing the influx of temporary foreign workers on the basis that Canada needs workers.
Almost certainly generations of Canadians will be paying for these political handouts by the Liberals and the NDP in their bids to take advantage of what was a health emergency, and turn it into a mockery of Canadian democracy.
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