“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb…My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.” Psalm 139: 13-16.
“Pro life Democrat” is an oxymoron. The Democrat Party has made clear they are pro abortion and pro late term abortion: one can’t be pro life and be in the Democrat party. I’m pretty sure Jesus doesn’t accept footnotes and disclaimers for those saying they buy into the Democrat party – just not the killing babies part. Democrats are being forced to choose, their party or life.
15 See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction. 16 For I command you today to love the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, and to keep his commands, decrees and laws; then you will live and increase, and the Lord your God will bless you in the land you are entering to possess. “I put you before life and death”
Deuteronomy 30:15-20
What is worse, is that the Democrats’ justifications for being pro-abortion is based on false and misleading statements that they are promoting to Christians. Following is a fact check on an article by a handful of Democrats who identify as Christians, and their rationalizations for voting for Biden-Harris who not only support abortion, but support late term abortion that is anathema to Jesus’ teachings, but central to the Biden-Harris ticket that they are promoting.
Biden-Harris are for late term abortion rights (the killing of babies born alive who have ex. survived an abortion, have medical problems at birth, etc)
Trump is actively against late term abortion. Trump called on congress “to pass legislation to prohibit the late-term abortion of children.”
As pro-life evangelicals, we disagree with Vice President Biden and the Democratic platform on the issue of abortion. (emphasis added)
Fact check: Misleading. The Dems are misrepresenting the issue: it is “late term abortion” (past 22 weeks) that is the issue.
But we believe, that a biblically shaped commitment to the sanctity of human life compels us to a consistent ethic of life that affirms the sanctity of human life from beginning to end.
Fact Check: Non-Sensical. How can you have a “consistent” approach that “affirms the sanctity of human life” – that kills babies.
Many problems that better politics could correct violate the sanctity of human life. Poverty, lack of health care, racism and climate change all kill persons created in the image of God. They are all pro-life issues.
Fact Check: Misleading : It is self-evident how disturbingly anathema such a statement is to Christianity. This statement is effectively to say “yeah but, if we vote to kill our own babies aren’t we justified if we send donation money to globalist foreign causes to feed the poor?”
Their justification for acting directly contrary to the Bible in voting for late term abortion on the lie that the only way to address poverty is by voting for Biden-Harris is deeply disturbing. It is especially so when it is Trump, not Biden, that lifted so many people out of poverty through sound economics.
But in repeated budget proposals, Donald Trump has proposed cutting this [Globalist administered World Food Program] effective program. Other effective US funded foreign aid programs have saved the lives of millions. But Donald Trump has also repeatedly tried to cut that help for starving people. Poverty is a pro-life issue.
Fact Check: False and Misleading. This is pure speculation and manipulative propaganda. Trump has just recently sent millions of dollars in global relief – which he did outside of the oversight of the Communist Dictators at the WHO and the UN. The method of helping third world countries outside of the oversight of communist dictatorship WHO/UN may be what is angering this group. It is noteworthy that this group of Democrat Christians would conceal the below facts.
The Affordable Care Act provided health insurance to an additional 20 million Americans – and prohibited insurance companies from refusing to cover persons with pre-existing conditions. Donald Trump has repeatedly tried to abolish the Affordable Care Act and has not offered any genuine alternative. Health care for all is a pro-life issue.
Fact Check: False. In fact, Donald Trump has:
Racism kills. We know that racism killed African-Americans in slavery and then later in thousands of lynchings. But even today, African-Americans are several times more likely than white Americans to be killed by the police.
Fact Check: False. Contrary to the “stop killing us” mantra of the the Marxist Antifa/BLM, in fact in all of 2019, ten (10) unarmed African Americans were killed by police. Moreover, while the horrors of slavery cannot be over stated and that we need a continued remembrance of that horror to ensure it never happens again, one cannot reach back to slavery in the 1600-1800s without acknowledging the Holocaust in the 20th century that killed approximately 6 million Jews
– especially following the recent historic middle east peace agreements for which Trump has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize.
“Number of people shot to death by the police in the United States from 2017 to 2020, by race”
And the death rate for African-Americans because of COVID-19 is 3.6 times that of white Americans.
Fact Check: False. It is not African Americans that are the vast majority of the victims of Covid. The vast majority of deaths from covid are over 65, and most of them are white.
Tragically Donald Trump refuses to condemn racist groups and continues to stoke racism rather than uniting the country to struggle against racism.
Fact Check: False.
It is in fact Biden who needs to answer questions about his “bigoted, “racist” past comments. It is Biden that stokes racism by inferring that Blacks are a monolith compared to other race(s) whom he considers diverse.
“Levin hammers Biden over ‘bigoted, racist’ past, asks ex-VP: ‘Are you still a White supremacist?’“
Trump has repeatedly, over and over and over condemned racist groups. This is “a video montage of Donald Trump denouncing racism 20 times.”
Racism is a pro-life issue – and it is on the ballot in 2020 in an unusually significant way. (emphasis added)
Fact Check: False and Misleading: It is obvious what this small group of Democrats identifying as Christians are trying to do: they are trying to sneakily redefine what it is to be “pro-life”, in their own Democrat image.
Climate change already kills untold thousands and will soon kill tens of millions unless we change.
Fact Check: Misleading. People have been charged with arson in some of the wildfires as officials try to contain speculation that they were all started by arsonists. Trump’s position is that if these Democrat Governors had properly managed their forests, the out of control wildfires would not have happened.
Man charged with arson in connection with Almeda Fire in southern Oregon
This is a very telling statement by Biden.
“Well, I’m not sure you should assume I’m not corrupt”. -Joe Biden
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” -Maya Angelou