Update Oct 22, 2020. It was stunning to read what John Piper wrote in a blog today. God forgive me if I am wrong on this, but it appears there are prominent evangelical leaders who have fallen victim to the spirt of deception, and it has led them to absurd, anti-Jesus conclusions.
The below paragraph is the foundation for John Piper’s blog which judges President Trump as morally unqualified to lead.
Actually, this is a long-overdue article attempting to explain why I remain baffled that so many Christians consider the sins of unrepentant sexual immorality (porneia), unrepentant boastfulness (alazoneia), unrepentant vulgarity (aischrologia), unrepentant factiousness (dichostasiai), and the like, to be only toxic for our nation, while policies that endorse baby-killing, sex-switching, freedom-limiting, and socialistic overreach are viewed as deadly.
Desiring God. org
John Piper is saying Trump’s playboy lifestyle decades ago, his private smut talk in the Hollywood Access video 15 years ago, and his current abrasive manner with the Democrats – are far worse sins than the Biden Democrats’ current advocacy for baby killing abortion and giving 8 year-olds the discretion to have life altering sex changes. Sorry, John Piper, but that is an insane proposition, especially for a Christian.
John Piper’s point that a leader’s manner and conduct can ultimately lead to spiritual death if it leads people down a path of persistent immorality that is acting contrary to the Bible is true. However, it is insane to say that Trump in 2020 is morally unqualified because he had sex with a stripper decades ago (if true), he bragged in a vulgar manner in private about his sexual conquests fifteen years ago, and he speaks roughly to the Democrats who have caused the country untold damage for years in a now proven to be fake, lying witch hunt of the Russia probe.
If it is moral leadership that John Piper is concerned about, it is Biden’s leadership that should disqualify any Christian from voting for him. Biden is telling us in his platform based on late term abortion, and transgender 8 year-olds he intends to lead Christians down a path of spiritual death.
Unlike Trump’s kids who work hard for their money in the family business, Biden raised a son who is a cocaine addict, had a baby with a stripper while cheating on his wife, and then had an affair with his dead brother’s wife. These are the proven, widely available facts about Hunter Biden. We are learning in the past two days (prior to John Piper’s posting) is that Hunter Biden was paying for access to his father Joe Biden, who was receiving a cut of the pay-for-access from foreign nationals, including China.
Why did John Piper write a blog concerned about Trump’s morality when Trump has stood up for and protected Christians and religious freedom. This is an excellent article that compares Trump and Biden on three key issues effecting Christians.
Why did John Piper not question the criminal behavior of the Biden family that is now all over the media, or even mention things like Biden doing an interview with CardiB riding on the popularity of her WAP porn that she is bringing mainstream to kids.
If their kids are a measure, do you want to be led by someone whose life has produced hard working kids and a 2020 platform based on a proven record of Christian values and democracy, or by someone whose life has produced a criminally investigated cocaine addict and whose 2020 platform is late term abortion and transgendered 8 year-olds.
Below are some of the many facts that John Piper clearly omitted from his blog, which is really, really concerning.
The Late Term Abortion, Porn & KKK Endorsed, Self-Identified Christian Joe Biden.
(4 Minutes Read) Alert: This article contains photos of what Christians would consider porn, but are endorsed by Democrats.
Democrat leadership is directing an ad campaign this week to Christians promoting Biden as a Christian. This, despite the headlines: “‘He’s [Biden’s] not a Catholic in good standing”.
While much has been made of Trump’s playboy life style decades before running for President, this is the Biden ticket in 2020 that actually does make Trump look like a “choir boy”.
Biden is pro-abortion, and pro late term abortion (killing babies in the light of day who have, for example, survived an abortion, or who have medical problems at birth). Trump is strongly opposed to late term abortion, and has called on Congress to pass legislation banning it.
There are a handful of Democrat pastors who quibble about the degree to which the Marxist, deeply anti-Christian Antifa and BLM have infiltrated the Democrat Party, however, the following are undeniable, objective facts. You wouldn’t think a normal human would be so bold as is Biden to promote something so anathema to Jesus and call himself a Christian, but that is exactly what the Biden campaign is doing.
Beyond the issue of late term abortion, and even while in the current context of the Democrat Party being heavily funded by Hollywood, and Hollywood and Democrats under particular scrutiny for pedophilia associations, Joe Biden chose to showcase himself by being interviewed by CardiB.
CardiB released a highly controversial porn video WAP (w** p***y) on August 6, 2020 into mainstream culture. Many also opposed it for its strong suggestion of beastiality.
Apparently riding on the coat tails of this porn video, Biden scheduled himself to be interviewed by CardiB on August 17, 2020.
Astoundingly, there have been no Democrat pastors, that I am aware of, who have spoken out against this promotion by Biden of what is effectively normalizing pornography, and possibly beastiality, to children – in his campaign to be President. In other words, this is Biden putting his best face forward.
Nor have I heard any Democrat “pastors” or “Christians” condemning or even inquiring about Bill Clinton’s alleged trips to Epstein’s pedophile island. It could all turn out to be that Clinton did absolutely nothing wrong, however, why aren’t Democrat pastors even mentioning this possible pedophilia charge against one of their Democrat leaders?
They seem to be very vocal when it comes to Trump, but for example there was no one speaking up about the anti-Trump, pro-Biden Chrissy Teigen and what is widely considered her pedophilia tweets (now deleted, as she admits to doing), nor the recent news about Clinton’s alleged relationship to Jeffery Epstein.
WARNING: highly disturbing.
Among the other names of “show business” people who are alleged to have been on Epstein’s alleged pedophile island is Chrissy Teigen, a very vocal opponent of President Trump. The adjacent tweet speaks for itself.

Witnesses in the upcoming Epstein/Maxwell trial allege in court documents, and there is photographic evidence to support them, that the “Democrat Party’s” Bill Clinton was on Epstein’s plane known to make regular runs to his island, which infers support of the allegations that Clinton went to Epstein’s pedophile island. What Clinton did there is not known. Plenty of other “show business” elites are alleged to have gone to Epstein’s Island in court documents as the case awaits trial.
These facts directly implicating Bill Clinton are omitted by Democrat pastors (intentionally or due to CNN indoctrination) as is the fact that while acquainted with Epstein over a decade ago, Trump outed Epstein to the police. This is confirmed by the police in various print and video publications: Trump was acquainted with Epstein, but it is Trump that outed Epstein to the police.
Maybe it’s the Democrat Party’s heavily funded ties to Hollywood, and in turn its ties to pedophilia and porn that make Democrat pastors want to look away from the whole thing and put their heads in the sand. The Democrat Christians and mainstream media are also silent about the KKK endorsing Biden, the Democrat Party being the original KKK. Levin lays out the facts of Biden’s bigoted, racist past which Biden has never renounced. In fairness, unlike Trump who renounces racism frequently on request from the media, Biden has never been asked by the media to renounce his racist statements.
These Democrat pastors are almost certainly well intended globalists unwittingly distracted with attacking Trump based on the false narrative promoted by the talking heads at CNN and other mainstream media. Please, Democrat pastors and leaders, ensure you have researched and cross checked with a balance of accredited news media (include a conservative news media outlet like Tucker Carlson), and your own first hand research, before promoting Biden Democrats.
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