More of Antifa & Other Terrorist Organizations Infiltrating Protests
Link to the blog post Communist Antifa: Opportunistic Violent Thugs Using Race to Inflame a War *UK: Black Lives Matter rioters vandalise Churchill statue on D-Day anniversary (VIDEO) — Voice…
Minister of The Muslim Class
It seems Mona Fortier is clarifying her role in what was already a politically eyeball-rolling, newly created, "Ministry of Middle Class Prosperity." It was and is a cabinet post made…
Celine Dion’s NuNuNu (UN) Clothing Line for “Children & Babies” (3 Minutes) Since this video, and the backlash Celine Dion received, her very dark babies and toddler clothing line has taken a turn for the better with death skulls…
Abortion is Now Open Spiritual War
Please note that while there are not graphic images of abortion in this video, abortion is discussed in graphic ways, and there are video segments of violent pro-abortionists August 7,…
Media Saavy Muslims and the Canadian Media
*Update 09-25-18. In an interview, the target of the assault Laura-Lynn Thompson indicated the assaulter's identity remains unknown. Regarding what is by all appearances a hijab wearing Muslim woman in…