The 3.2%
It was shocking and disturbing to see (be warned it is graphic) the video circulated last week showing what appeared to be the butchering of a live cow in a…
The Politics of Skinning a Cow and Halal
Note: This article does not contain graphic images, but it does describe slaughter practices. Sharia law halal practices require that an animal be alive and conscious when its throat is…
The Line That Can’t Be Crossed: The Politics of Skinning a Cow
Besides being gruesome and disturbing, this (WARNING: it is very disturbing to watch for most people) video of a cow appearing to be skinned alive in the recently circulated Milton,…
Border Crossing and The Cross
"God keep our land, glorious and free" I believe a figurative cross stands at the border protecting the Canadians behind it from those who wish to pass our border…
“Iron Sharpens Iron”
Maxime Bernier’s iron clad convictions and willingness to blow the doors off politically correct speech is requiring Andrew Scheer to sharpen. This is especially so because Bernier has been proven…
The Liberal Politics of No Fear: ISIS, Snakes and MS-13
Full disclosure, I look at this from a Christian perspective, and so I believe the Bible that God did not “give us a spirit of fear”. We should not go…
Canada Needs Unity: Not Diversified Investing
Unity: the state of being united or joined as a whole. Diversity: the state of being diverse; variety. Diversification: the action of making or becoming more diverse or varied While…